According to a thread on Smash Boards, a Gamefaqs user has found all 437 available tracks in Smash Bros. Wii U. The…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Green Army Adventure
According to a thread on Smash Boards, a Gamefaqs user has found all 437 available tracks in Smash Bros. Wii U. The…
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a fantasy game. That word—fantasy—is a sort of shorthand, with a bunch of connotations.…
"I started this game collecting trash," my character quipped late in Sunset Overdrive, "and now I'm collecting trash…
Rangers of Gondor! Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is upon us. The time has come to stand up to Sauron's evil forces.…
Lugdash Broken-Shield. Now there was a tricky orc to assassinate. Until I discovered he was scared of fire. Once I…
You probably didn't have to watch the recent Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare reveal to know whether you'd be picking…
Microsoft actually offers some great pre-order deals, and this Watch Dogs offer is no exception, and includes the PC…
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have brought... scratch that, just arrows. Towerfall has ascended from…
The collector's edition of Infamous is already going in and out of stock, so if you want one we suggest you…
I've been writing for Kotaku, off and on, since 2007. I've been reading it longer than that. One of the accounts I…