I was almost ten hours into Dying Light before I got my hands on a gun. It was an assault rifle, and I had to kill a…
Arcade game local multi-player
I was almost ten hours into Dying Light before I got my hands on a gun. It was an assault rifle, and I had to kill a…
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column dedicated to helping you jumpstart your…
Not the most... expected combination, but the original Doom with a sugary sweet Super Mario 64 filling works…
I was recently asked some questions about how Kotaku reviews work and figured it's as good a time as ever to provide…
Everybody wants Half-Life 3, but this elaborate crowdfunding plot dreamed up by interns at marketing agency McKee…
Two years ago, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata made some lofty promises about his company's approach to what was then a…
Lugdash Broken-Shield. Now there was a tricky orc to assassinate. Until I discovered he was scared of fire. Once I…
Playing IDARB made me feel a tiny, tiny little bit like a NBA player at the free throw line when fans are trying to…
In the 80s, he made arcade games for Atari. In the 10s, he led the team that made the PlayStation 4. Mark Cerny is…
Heading into this console transition my opinion was that, of all the genres that could possibly sell a new Xbox or…