I really hope petty Hollywood bullshit isn’t the reason for the big change in the new Squirrel Girl comic.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Go! Fish Go!
Even fish lose their patience and try to escape from the aquarium.
I really hope petty Hollywood bullshit isn’t the reason for the big change in the new Squirrel Girl comic.
People don’t just like Undertale; they love it. This game is personal for them. It’s personal for me, too.
Today’s League of Legends World Championship quarterfinals match-up was between KT Rolster and KOO Tigers, two top…
Remember the official Pokémon reggae song that was released last year in Japanese? Today, it was translated/tweaked…
Stereotypes might lead you to believe any gamer’s love of MOBAs has to be mutually exclusive. I’m here to tell you…
The first (excellent) season of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU was two parts cynical comedy, one part drama. Season…
If MOBA players had meetings similar to the AA, I could imagine people introducing themselves by saying, “Hi, I’m…
A gigantic man-eating catfish arrived in League of Legends yesterday. His name is Tahm Kench, AKA “The River King.”…
Last week we asked our readers to fix The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s missing penis problem. Our readers responded with…
“We’re closing the gap,” the Nova standing next to me shouted through her radio. “Keep your eyes on the prize!” But…