Have you ever wondered why shirtless dudes in BlazBlue like Bang Shishigami don’t have nipples? There is a reason…
A game for the Game Master handheld
Have you ever wondered why shirtless dudes in BlazBlue like Bang Shishigami don’t have nipples? There is a reason…
After a long, almost 12-hour day of competition, the London Spitfire emerged victorious last night in the first…
Years ago, at an outdoor bar in Brooklyn, my best friend and I were enjoying whiskey drinks when two well-groomed…
In MMA, there are fighters who’ve got all the potential in the world, but continually fail to put the pieces…
In 2017, I played a lot of games, but only 10 could make the cut for this blog. Culling the herd to just 10 was…
Packed between a major Counter-Strike tournament and Pokémon regionals, there’s a lot of other great tournaments to…
Hello all you horrendous love treats, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that’s bigger…
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an easy video game to like in spite of its flaws. It’s buoyed by a winning cast of…
On the surface, Arms looks like a cute game about the dangers of slinky arms, but it quickly gets challenging. Out…