Being Nickelodeon's Golden Girl for five years came with inevitable perks, such as limos, an Xbox 360 in my…
A Mech MMO, that is coming out to the PC. Currently in Alpha testing.
Being Nickelodeon's Golden Girl for five years came with inevitable perks, such as limos, an Xbox 360 in my…
As I've said, FIFA 10 comes as close as any sports game I've played to being just like the real thing. Begging the…
The latest issue of German magazine PC Games spills the beans on the two final classes for Star Wars: The Old…
The release of Wii Fit Plus has been met with open arms in Japan. The newest Wii Balance Board-powered fitness game…
This week, Kotaku brings you not only the current week's worth of new gaming-based comics hitting shops... but last…
Square Enix's attempt to shift the Front Mission series from turn-based strategy role-playing game to third-person…
Guns drawn, cops busted down the door of a suspected south Florida drug dealer, then proceeded to kick some ass - on…
On Friday I strolled three of the four floors Borderlands development studio Gearbox occupies atop an office tower…
A new trademark filed by Sony Computer Entertainment America may point to a new "incentive rewards program" dubbed…
Two things move a game. You either gotta have it, or the price is right. And if you're reading coupons, it's…