The most recent episode of the bizarre, horny anime Darling in the Franxx has left the fandom in upheaval. The…
A Mech MMO, that is coming out to the PC. Currently in Alpha testing.
The most recent episode of the bizarre, horny anime Darling in the Franxx has left the fandom in upheaval. The…
In the first years of my career as a games writer, I got used to a certain reaction from my parents’ friends when…
Sometimes I imagine my brain is a collection of baskets that contain everything I know. There’s a basket for the…
A good game of Subterfuge can last weeks as players seek to steal territory and destroy their opponents. It’s a…
Slay the Spire, a roguelike where you try to deckbuild your way out of brutal dungeons, went into Early Access on…
Francis Ngannou was the closest thing to a sure bet the UFC’s had in years. The company, notoriously hesitant to put…
Overwatch features characters with body types and backgrounds that are not often seen in pop culture, let alone…
In some ways, Overwatch’s new hero, Moira, announced yesterday at BlizzCon, feels like a stronger take on the basic…
Hello all you interweb heartbubbles of desire, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the official dating advice column of…
If you’ve never played XCOM 2, here’s my advice: Skip the vanilla version and start by playing the new expansion, War…