Welcome to another one of those app reviews where I spend all day planning on reviewing a specific title but then…
Survive Fire Rock! The treasures within are hard to obtain, but you are the brave warrior sent to defeat the monsters.
Welcome to another one of those app reviews where I spend all day planning on reviewing a specific title but then…
I'd like to think I'm a people person. I might not agree with 75 percent of what other people say or think or…
During the two-and-a-half decades I've been playing JRPGs, I've learned three important lessons: 1) If an NPC tells…
If you gave me five, seven or even 10 guesses about who outgoing EA CEO John Riccitiello's favorite character on…
The last six years have been a great time to be a Macross gamer. There have been three full PSP titles and an…
Welcome to The Best of Kotaku, where Tina usually rounds up our best reporting, funniest stories, and otherwise…
Sex sells. Except when it doesn't.
I've been writing for Kotaku, off and on, since 2007. I've been reading it longer than that. One of the accounts I…
I'm a huge fan of Nintendo's strategy RPG series Fire Emblem. In fact, I'm just a fan of well done SRPGs (strategy…
On 7 January 2013, Sony announced they had stopped production of the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system.…