Bad Robot's latest tweet shows off the Episode VII Millennium Falcon, which has a familiar vehicle sculpted on it:
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Falcon
Falcon was an unreleased game by Spectrum Holobyte.
Bad Robot's latest tweet shows off the Episode VII Millennium Falcon, which has a familiar vehicle sculpted on it:
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I sure hope this means we can also look forward to Nebula being a playable character (and getting a figurine)—Yondu…
Didn't like that stupid Mercedes DLC for Mario Kart 8? Please understand. Nintendo had something cooler coming later.
We've rounded up some of the best highlights from the past few days in the gaming world and put them all in one…
Last weekend, a tournament called Zenith was held at the NYU Game Center. Top Smash Bros. players participated in…
After Marvel revealed that the next Captain America will be The Falcon, an African American, and Thor will be a…
Confirming an earlier report, Marvel's Joe Quesada has revealed on The Colbert Report that the current Captain…
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