YouTuber TheUrbanOrb studied for over 4,000 hours to destroy FromSoftware’s ninja game
Free downloadable indie mod for pc. Face Wound is a 2D side scrolling shooter with zombies, and great weapon variety.
YouTuber TheUrbanOrb studied for over 4,000 hours to destroy FromSoftware’s ninja game
Twitch streamer MissMikkaa only needed one arm to do what most of us barely accomplished
People can’t stand imperfect women—not in the Depp v. Heard Trial, or in games, or anywhere
At 'chess Wimbledon,' Sergey Karjakin played Magnus Carlsen to a draw, upsetting fans
Despite the [waves hands], 2021 has produced killer games like Hitman 3 and Death's Door
The best tips, tricks, guns, and secrets for 343’s big new shooter
Amazon’s high-profile new MMORPG has me obsessing over fruits and vegetables
A deeply moving story makes Opus far more than the sum of its mundane gameplay elements
No one can replace Chadwick Boseman, but Chris Judge is a fine alternative
I do not speak a lick of French, and yet the first thing I did upon (finally) unlocking Heavensward, Final Fantasy…