The unfortunately-named Lemmings-style survival puzzler Save the Furries makes its WiiWare debut this week, leading…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Eternal End
This is a space exploration game.
The unfortunately-named Lemmings-style survival puzzler Save the Furries makes its WiiWare debut this week, leading…
I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
The other day on Twitter, fellow Kotaku writer Kate Cox mentioned she had just finished Xenogears, Square's classic…
This weekend, the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC opened the long-awaited exhibit The Art of Video…
One of the many eternal battles the gaming community consistently fights among itself is the seemingly…
Pippin Barr is back at it again. The video game researcher and artist has built a series of flash games based on the…
I spent 2011 documenting the life of one of the most important people in the media world. His name is invoked when…
Being immortal's what you make of it. Sure, watching all your friends die and learning how to work new TV remotes…
Of all the people you might have to buy gifts for this holiday season, the Sullen Teenage Girl just might be the…
Capcom's had so-so luck with movies. That is, depending on your opinion of the Street Fighter movie, the Chun-Li…