We’ve run through Pokémon Mystery Dungeons, Chocobo Mystery Dungeons and even Gundam Mystery Dungeons. Released…
Last week was a whirlwind of newly-announced titles and fresh looks at games we already knew about. Now comes the…
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Pokemon Red and Blue in Japan, and fans are celebrating by…
The annual DICE Summit begins today in Las Vegas, where hundreds of developers, publishers and other gaming titans…
The folks at Storybundle just launched a new pay-what-you-want eBook bundle about video games. Part of it is a new…
I am in awe that anybody managed to figure this out.
Imperial Assault is a board game that was released in late 2014. I only got around to playing it over the weekend,…
Should I care about Hero Generations? For sure. It's a turn-based strategy RPG where each turn equates to one year…
Dragon Age Inquisition may have taken Game of The Year at last night's 18th annual DICE Awards, but how about Shadow…