A week ago, the new movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods hit theaters across Japan. But that is not the only Dragon…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a fighting game designed and manufactured in Japan by Banpresto in 1993. The game's cabinet is shaped like a robot with markings similar to Goku's gi (suit). The game features large sprites and a color palete that is identical Toriyama's water color scheme in the manga. The environments are semi destructible as chunks of wall or ground could be destroyed. The controls are unique as most of the characters movements are flight related. The playable characters are Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, Captain Ginyu, Recoome, and Burter.
A week ago, the new movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods hit theaters across Japan. But that is not the only Dragon…
Hollywood's take on Dragon Ball sucked. Sucked badly. If you thought that, you were not alone. Dragon Ball's creator…
Here is something that I wasn't expecting to read on Thought Catalog: why Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z is better than Goku. The author, Alfred MacDonald, makes a compelling argument: "real people have anger, drive, ambitions — real people are selfish, if not embarrassing." Vegeta seems like more of a real person, and put… Read more
There is no doubt that Dragon Ball is a world-wide phenomenon. Outside of the original manga, there have been…
Akira Toriyama is returning to Dragon Ball once again with the release of the new anime movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle…
As covered on Kotaku yesterday, photos of schoolgirls doing faux manga style martial arts moves have been popping up…
Welcome to The Best of Kotaku, where Tina usually rounds up our best reporting, funniest stories, and otherwise…
This Wednesday edition of Kotaku's The Moneysaver catches all the offers, promotions and bargains that can't wait…
The constant progression of annual sport titles has another advantage besides the games getting more and more…
Japanese retailer Tokyu Hands has an array of interesting products. Its latest could be the most interesting yet:…