One Piece Film Gold, the 13th feature film based on the world’s bestselling manga, hit Japanese theaters last…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z is a fighting game designed and manufactured in Japan by Banpresto in 1993. The game's cabinet is shaped like a robot with markings similar to Goku's gi (suit). The game features large sprites and a color palete that is identical Toriyama's water color scheme in the manga. The environments are semi destructible as chunks of wall or ground could be destroyed. The controls are unique as most of the characters movements are flight related. The playable characters are Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, Captain Ginyu, Recoome, and Burter.
One Piece Film Gold, the 13th feature film based on the world’s bestselling manga, hit Japanese theaters last…
Dragon Ball Z’s “Final Atonement” episode is one of the most famous moments in DBZ history. Let’s see how the manga…
Nothing is known about the return of Samurai Jack. All fans have to go on is a six second trailer and a brief…
Last year’s Dragon Ball Xenoverse is getting a sequel. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will arrive this year on PS4, Xbox…
Everybody else can stop doing their funny little spontaneous dance videos. The Running Man Challenge has reached its…
Whether you’re an itsy bitsy baby Overwatch player or that Junkrat who keeps using his exploding tire to hunt me and …
“It’s funny, I remember loading Zelda.com, and Zelda.com was definitely a porn website,” Merritt Kopas, author of Int…
Here are some aesthetically perfect Dragon Ball fan-pics by NicoTheSane, who remade four well-known locations from…
The newest Super Saiyan form is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Which sounds silly, yes. That’s why, as Kotaku…
Yes, this is Wrestlemania. Yes, this is Xavier Woods’ New Day making their entrance in full-blown Dragon Ball cosplay…