Eleven hours in to my live-stream of Bayonetta 2, I had beaten the game and was looking to enjoy my first meal of…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Drag Battle
Eleven hours in to my live-stream of Bayonetta 2, I had beaten the game and was looking to enjoy my first meal of…
"In space, no one can hear you scream." Thanks to 1979's hit Alien, that maxim's been part of the popular…
Sudden death is always tense in Super Smash Bros. Everybody starts out with 300% damage. Anything can happen. The…
That's Sunless Sea's tagline, the reason I was pretty much certain I had to play it.
Earlier this week Frito-Lay announced the four finalists in its annual 'Do Us A Flavor' fan-made potato chip flavor…
In Freedom Wars, you are a prisoner living in a dystopian future where simply existing is a crime worth a million-yea…
Mr. Miyamoto, you recently asked me to ask Kotaku's readers to say which games they'd like you to make for the Wii…
Valiant Hearts is a wonderful story trapped inside a video game.
At PAX East last weekend, Team Kotaku went and played Evolve, the upcoming co-op shooter that pits a group of four…
Time to boldly pay less than any man one has paid before. The first five remastered seasons of Star Trek: The Next…