Here stands Clan Destine, level 70 red mage, ready to take on the ultimate story battle in Final Fantasy XIV’s…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Drag Battle
Here stands Clan Destine, level 70 red mage, ready to take on the ultimate story battle in Final Fantasy XIV’s…
You did not come here for a nuanced discussion of the positives inherent in every E3 press conference, and the love…
This weekend’s Nairo Saga tournament may be part of the 2GG circuit for Super Smash Bros. For Wii U, but it has a…
You might remember that back in 2015 I reviewed a game called Order of Battle: Pacific, and liked it a lot. In the…
Bulletstorm was one of the best games of the last generation, tragically ignored because of an awful marketing…
In a gritty vintage video games store in Manhattan’s East Village, a man who would only be identified by…
Nier: Automata begins as a scrolling shooter. Then it’s a twin-stick shooter, a third-person action RPG and a 2.5D…
If waiting seven years for the third game from Ico and Shadow of the Colossus creator Fumito Ueda has taught us…
Dishonored 2 is a depressing slog of bodies and misery. It is confusing and jumbled, full of half formed ideas, and…