Consider it the calm between two storms of news and stories. I spent today writing up my thoughts on Duke Nuke…
Donkey Me is a Donkey Kong clone with film-inspired themes
Consider it the calm between two storms of news and stories. I spent today writing up my thoughts on Duke Nuke…
A couple of weeks ago, I finished Donkey Kong Country Returns. I was warned that it would be tough. I was told I…
I grab a deal. I choke him and I kick the shit out of him. All day long got my foot up a deal's ass. Just bang,…
The people who make unusual game products like a Wii Remote that can be customized with LEGO blocks—one of their…
"We're not opposed to Achievements," Nintendo's Bill Trinen told me earlier this week, even as he confirmed that his…
I used to think badly of some of the people I saw on the New York City subway. They were misusing video games. They…
Shigeru Miyamoto is a very important man. He created a whole slew of iconic games like Super Mario Bros., Donkey…
Hall of fame video game create Jeff Minter doesn't make bland games. They're a festival of old-school graphics and…
I finished more than 50 video games in 2010. I did not plan to. But here's the list.
How would Tim write a Super Mario novel? Who is the David Mamet of video games? Why are gamers so inarticulate? What…