Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Detective Stories
You are a detective who has to solve mystery and cold cases. Only a few clues will help finding murderer. Was it just an accident or a murder? Thief broke in to steal something? Money? Or was it just a broken heart revenge? Well, you`ve got a chance to solve this case...
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
Commenter DeuxHero is our choice to kick off what might become a weekly staple of Speak Up on Kotaku, Best Game…
While games like L.A. Noire and Batman: Arkham Asylum put on a good detective show, are we really detecting…
Batman: Arkham City, like other Game of the Year contenders that are in its league, should be praised both for what…
At the end of 2009's Batman: Arkham Asylum, all's well: the Dark Knight's triumphant, the Joker's downed and Gotham…
They don't just sneak around, they sleep around. And if they're already in a relationship, they're called cheaters.…
DC Comics, the outfit that puts out Superman, Batman and so many other super-hero comics is re-starting its line…
Good luck squeezing into your local comics shop this week. Plenty of strangers will probably be dropping in to pick…
Cuban Delicacies - Went to a neat Latin American restaurant around the corner and grabbed a bit to eat. They had…
By popular demand—yes, because both of you demanded it—my weekly round-up of new comics recommendations is arriving…