All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dead Island 2
The much-loved zombie saga is back with a unique formula of horror, dark humor and over the top zombie-slaying, spanning an epic pulp adventure. Dead Island 2 is thrilling First-Person Action RPG, stylish, vibrant and flooded with zombie infection. Explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Meet larger-than-life characters. Slay countless foes in exquisitely bloody detail. And evolve to become the ultimate Zombie Slayer!
It’s summer! Well, not technically. But seeing as most pools have been officially opened and plenty of folks have…
As we move further into the hot and empty summer we see less and less big name titles, but still plenty of DLC and…
Good morning, everyone! Welcome to Kotaku’s review of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Since the two of us—Jason and…
It’s 2 A.M. on March 20 in France and Ta-Nehisi Coates is not sleeping. “I’m up learning to make maps so I can make…
Gamers have spent the past several months arguing over whether Dead or Alive’s third bikini-clad vacation simulator…
I had a long, entertaining chat with Ta-Nehisi Coates two weeks before the first issue of the new Black Panther…
Whether it’s an RPG that tells a story over dozens of hours, or a strategy game that takes months to master, games…
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who unexpectedly died at the age of 79 today, will be remembered as one of the…
I am pleased to report that in Dying Light: The Following, you can still dropkick a zombie off a cliff and into the…