While Resident Evil 4 is generally regarded as the highpoint of Capcom's survival horror series, it also represents…
A top-down, vertical scrolling racing game in the style of other rally games. The route consists of three stages with a variety of obstacles including tight turns, accidents on the highway and oncoming traffic. Rival cars perform special attacks including smoke clouds and spraying oil slicks on the road.
While Resident Evil 4 is generally regarded as the highpoint of Capcom's survival horror series, it also represents…
The coolest feature of the upcoming 3DS game Mario Tennis Open is the ability to play the original Super Mario…
The PS Vita rollout continues with another stacked week of new digital content at the PlayStation store. Vita owners…
In today's extremely lengthy yet entertaining edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Nightram details 27 different…
Like most other things associated with Sega's ill-fated Dreamcast console, it's been largely forgotten that the…
When people argue that smartphones are on the level with Playstation or DS portable as gaming platforms, they'll…
Blizzard is creating a wildly different experience for those who choose to play StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty's…
Slim, sexy and packed with a library of games, the iPad is shaping up to be a powerful contender in the eyes and for…
Arcades hold a very special place in my heart.
Familiar names and face populate this week's downloadable Nintendo games, with appearances by Frogger, Excitebike,…