Confiscated e-mails. Sinking ships. The looming feeling that layoffs are coming, and there's nothing you can do to…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Closing at 2
In Closing at 2, you play as a bartender at the Lakeside Inn. You get to converse with the customers and make them some delicious drinks. However, as the night goes on, the customers and their orders become a bit... odd. And you better not mess up their order! Do you have the bartending skills to make it 'til 2 am?
Confiscated e-mails. Sinking ships. The looming feeling that layoffs are coming, and there's nothing you can do to…
Those who love Halo but only play Halo video games may be oblivious to some of the big developments going on in the…
We're exactly two weeks away from E3 press conference day—Video Game Christmas—so why not spend some time…
After a seemingly never-ending run of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 junk, the promised Pokemon X & Y toys have finally…
Blake J. Harris' book Console Wars, out tomorrow, takes readers behind enemy lines to meet the men and women who…
As of June 30, a number of games - some of them among the best of all time - will have their online components cease…
Spring means we get rain, flowers, warmer weather and, more importantly, a new anime season. But with 60 new anime…
I am acutely aware of the fact that my heart is beating. Hard.
As a four-man team of pro gamers was crowned world champion of Call of Duty in Los Angeles Sunday night, confetti…
There are few experiences I cherish more as a games reporter than walking into a room full of new, unfinished video…