Anime fandom is a fortress of obscure slang, iconography, and inside jokes. After 16 years of fandom, I'm quite…
Anime fandom is a fortress of obscure slang, iconography, and inside jokes. After 16 years of fandom, I'm quite…
A few of us have been playing Pillars of Eternity, the lovely new crowdfunded PC role-playing game that sets out to…
This Winter will bring the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask where Link must save the world over a three…
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a fantasy game. That word—fantasy—is a sort of shorthand, with a bunch of connotations.…
Sometimes when I'm playing a Crucible PvP match in Destiny, and the scores for the Alpha and Bravo teams are…
While the plot, setting, and characters may all be of Zelda lineage, make no mistake, when it comes to gameplay,…
Toys-R-Us is offering up a buy one, get one 40% off deal on a ton of video games, and Thames was kind enough to…
The real world can be a frustrating place. Stuck in traffic, trapped in line at the supermarket… it always feels…
Harvey Smith—who you probably know as a chief architect of Deus Ex and of last year’s hit stealth/action hybrid Disho…