Gabriel Belmont will have his revenge upon the Lords of Shadow, venturing to the very depths of hell to find…
Climb to the highest point and you will win. I will wait for you at the highest point.
Gabriel Belmont will have his revenge upon the Lords of Shadow, venturing to the very depths of hell to find…
The first chapter of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is broken into five parts, parts that tour through reinventions of…
I've always been quite sensitive to certain types of friction. (I considered writing that sentence 10 different…
I have a couple topics to write about boiling around in my head, but this one seems to be the most timely…
When you've got Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations for WiiWare, Earthworm Jim for DSiWare, and a…
Kratos is tough enough to take on the gods, but is he man enough to face the assembled video game critics in the…
Sometimes, one gamer's flaw is another's feature. Even the highest-rated games aren't always perfect – but what…
Family Go-Kart Racing, Flipper, Faceez, and Flight Control welcome you to this week's downloadable celebration of…
Platinum Games has concocted a new brand of action hero in Bayonetta, an angel-slaying witch with long legs, long…
There may not be any special handshakes or furtive high signs for it, but make no mistake: Video gamers are part of…