Today is your last chance to preorder Game of Thrones season 3 on Blu-ray for $30, and that's the best price you're…
Today is your last chance to preorder Game of Thrones season 3 on Blu-ray for $30, and that's the best price you're…
Hello, my darlings! It is me, tim rogers, founder and director of Action Button Entertainment, currently directing…
I've been writing for Kotaku, off and on, since 2007. I've been reading it longer than that. One of the accounts I…
Many people who went to film school will tell you that film school made them hate watching films. In a similar…
A few days after the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, the first-person shooter game's publisher, Activision,…
Music is one of those things that feels truly universal—it's in every culture, and it has existed in some form or…
Anyone who knows me knows that my second-favorite hobby (after making sure my fingernails have no white parts) is…
It finally seems like the 3DS has gotten its legs underneath it, even as the Wii's glory days fade further into the…
The great things about playing video games is how it gives you a chance to spend a little time with your child in…
Traveller's Tales are the masters of the brick. Their LEGO creations deliver not just fun gaming experiences, but…