Building off of a trailer released on Wednesday, the developers of The Division delivered an impressive livestream…
Announced as a vehicular combat game in the vein of Twisted Metal, the game was one of a few game at the time cancelled during a massive corporate structuring that found much of the company instead focusing on the original Metroid Prime game.
Building off of a trailer released on Wednesday, the developers of The Division delivered an impressive livestream…
Overwatch’s new escort map, Junkertown, has a precarious, hacked-together feeling to it—a greasy, grimy look that…
Every year it seems our planet spins closer to catastrophe. Superstorms ravage our coastlines, and clean water…
Survival shooter Battlegrounds’ substantial update this morning added two special servers specifically for…
In 2012, as work on Mass Effect 3 came to a close, a small group of top BioWare employees huddled to talk about the…
The Super Nintendo is certainly a contender for the world’s most beloved console. The 16-bit juggernaut has a…
E3 is right around the corner, and that means we’re about to get deluged with colossal news and shiny new trailers.…
Friday the 13th has a lot in common with some of the sillier sequels in the film’s franchise: it’s great for a…
On the surface, Zelda: Breath of the Wild doesn’t have much in common with the new sci-fi thriller Prey. While the…
It’s hard to believe given its place in history, but the original Xbox was only really around for four years. That’s…