The best thing about the newest Style Savvy isn’t the cute outfits or the glamorous fantasy. It’s that it makes you…
The best thing about the newest Style Savvy isn’t the cute outfits or the glamorous fantasy. It’s that it makes you…
Shadow of War is a massive game, and jumping into it can feel daunting. Here’s what you need to know to build a…
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has an idler problem. That much is certain. How bad the problem actually is seems to…
Nintendo’s brilliant online shooter Splatoon 2 deserves to be copied by other similar games. Not necessarily the…
One of Splatoon’s most memorable features were the Miiverse drawings that players displayed in the lobby. There’s no…
Team houses have been upheld as the ideal model for professional gamers and professional teams to maintain the…
Rivalries drive esports, and there’s few places with better beef than the fighting game community, or FGC. Joshua…
Whether you’re excited for more Dishonored or coming to the series for the first time, here are some tips for the…
If you’ve just wrapped up a hard-fought multiplayer match, it’s polite to say “gg” to all involved as a show of…
Overwatch has been out for a couple months now, and the honeymoon period is over. Competitive mode is a divisive…