I remember the precise moment when I fell in love with Dark Souls.
I remember the precise moment when I fell in love with Dark Souls.
When it comes to Pokémon, I am a scrub. My familiarity with the series amounts to little more than “I think Digimon…
In the past, I've expressed a healthy amount of skepticism about VR. In 20 minutes, Valve's VR demo sold me on the…
You've likely noticed it, and probably even joked about it: it feels like every game (and movie) these days is all…
Another day of Steam discounts is here. We'll be highlighting noteworthy deals and price undercuts from competing…
It's no wonder that audiences have been clamoring for a Mirror's Edge sequel since its release in 2008. DICE's brief…
So you're interested in a new Pokémon game. Except there are technically two new Pokémon games. Which do you get?
According to a thread on Smash Boards, a Gamefaqs user has found all 437 available tracks in Smash Bros. Wii U. The…
The now optionally first-person Grand Theft Auto V current gen port gets a day one $10 discount. [GTAV]