Welcome to the August 2010 edition of K Monthly, a look back at some of the best original coverage, including…
Welcome to the August 2010 edition of K Monthly, a look back at some of the best original coverage, including…
People always ask me what I do. I guess I look like the kind of guy who you'd be curious what I do. I'm pretty sure…
I'm about to spend half the night playing World Cup 2010 (the video game), as I kill the time (and my nerves)…
If you want to dress in the spirit of Red Dead Redemption, if not literally in a tattered hat and poncho, Rockstar…
First things first, this lab makes repeat appearances. There are allusions to somebody being "revived", and a look…
Shaun Inman loves his pixels, the little bits of color that combine to make up video games.
Arcades hold a very special place in my heart.
My biggest concern with over-the-top racer Split/Second isn't with its explosive premise or arcade controls, it's…
NCsoft reveals Aion: The Official Magazine, a monthly online publication that delivers the latest news, player…
Valve released new details on the first downloadable add-on for Left 4 Dead 2 today at Microsoft's X10 event,…