Got a pile of old NES carts? Want to play them on your HDMI television? Recently, a number of solutions for that…
Got a pile of old NES carts? Want to play them on your HDMI television? Recently, a number of solutions for that…
Ioan Dumitrescu is an artist based in Bucharest who has worked on games like Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Fallout…
Pheromosa, an Ultra Beast known for its fragility and power, normally seems like a risky pick for competitive…
Beneath the Hotline Miami series’ savagely violent mind-trip lies an acutely intelligent narrative—one that…
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. And more Warhammer games.
In 1984 IBM introduced the legendary Model M, a beast of a mechanical keyboard that utilized a unique buckling…
Oh hey, there’s a new Beauty & the Beast movie, and right on time here’s Knightmage and SuperKayce doing their…
Out of hundreds of potential choices, competitive Pokémon players can only bring six Alolan monsters into a…
Ever loved a piece of fiction so much you never wanted it to end? That’s what fandom is for. While transformative…