THQ and SyFy have teamed up to produce Red Faction: Origins, a made for television movie that spans the time…
THQ and SyFy have teamed up to produce Red Faction: Origins, a made for television movie that spans the time…
Life is hard in the underground Martian colonies of Red Faction: Armageddon, especially when you're a former…
Following up on one of our earliest daily Kotaku science posts, the Mars500 Project is now in orbit, with three…
How would Tim write a Super Mario novel? Who is the David Mamet of video games? Why are gamers so inarticulate? What…
You could spend your morning sorting through all of the twisted tracks coming on the DJ Hero 2 disc next month, or…
DJ Hero 2, set for an Oct. 19 release, will include 105 songs remixed into 80 different mixes, Activision said…
Red Faction Armageddon will take place half a century after the Martian revolution of Red Faction: Guerrilla…
Activision has released the entire track listing for their upcoming upgrade to the Guitar Hero franchise, Guitar…
Console wars are so last season. Now we've got setlist wars for music games. When Rock Band 2's formidable list was…