The charming community-building franchise returns for with Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The Nintendo 3DS entry into this popular franchise introduces a number of options new to Animal Crossing, including the ability to become the head of the village and boost its development, a way to install certain items in the village to make its characteristics more personalized for each player, and the ability to view homes of other players who are tagged through StreetPass connections.
There's nothing wrong with social games, m'kay? Social games are fine. But maybe it's time to ditch that moniker.…
Two years ago, Nintendo was in trouble. The House of Mario had just released a brand new handheld system with…
Ain't no dubstep here! The new trailer for Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which will be out on 3DS June 9, is calm and…
Animal Crossing: New Leaf will be out for 3DS on June 9, Nintendo said today.
The Christmas season is upon us once again (as was frightfully apparent from the Christmas songs that started…
So, I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a bit of an Animal Crossing addict. The game continues to be a smash…
Originally announced at E3 all the way back on June 15th, 2010, Animal Crossing on 3DS has been one of the most…
The conventional wisdom has always been Japan loves role-playing games and dislikes first-person shooters.…
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is currently one of the most popular 3DS games in Japan. It hit the shelves on November…
Manga artist Pyocotan might be best known for signature illustrations in Japanese game magazine Gamelabo or CoroCoro…