This week's Japanese bestsellers list will likely be reference in a future report, "Why We Should Continue To…
This week's Japanese bestsellers list will likely be reference in a future report, "Why We Should Continue To…
It was a week light in new video game releases in Japan. Sega's gangsters meet zombies game, Yakuza Of The End, was…
Honestly, I wasn't sure if we'd even get fresh sales figures from Japan this week, but we did and it appears that…
The Nintendo 3DS had a great second week in Japan, with another 200,000 gamers snapping up stereoscopic 3D hardware.…
That PlayStation Plus membership will feel like a much better investment today, now that the Mortal Kombat demo for…
This past weekend, the Nintendo 3DS officially launched (in Japan), moving more than 350,000 units in just two days…
Sony's PlayStation Portable is the first handheld gaming device to survive a battle with Nintendo, but is it worth…
This week's North American PlayStation Store update has arrived, bringing with it new games, old games and games…
Shoot, this is some week on the North American PlayStation Store. While the list of games and demos may be short,…
There's a theory going around that you or I or someone else who owns an iPhone will soon help Apple do what no…