![All of the Anime, Double Fine Game Jam, Xbox One Bundle [Deals]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/19evn72o4vl1ejpg.jpg)
Evangelion, Akira, Miyazaki, Yamato... so much to choose from in today's Amazon anime sale, including movies,…
Peace through superior firepower! In the far future, the planet is overrun with enormous, super insects, who fiercely battle each other for survival. You've chosen a side to fight for, and the enemy has been funneled into a deep crevice, but now you're outnumbered. You put their numbers to the test. They say the meek shall inherit the Earth, but how long can you defend it? This was originally planned to be 1 of 3 "3-D" games on Power-Play Arcade cart #1. A screenshot was shown in a catalog for Amiga's Power System, but no description was included. It was programmed by Dan McElroy and Jerry Lawson in 1983, shelved, and made available for limited release in 2010.
Evangelion, Akira, Miyazaki, Yamato... so much to choose from in today's Amazon anime sale, including movies,…
The latest Humble Bundle includes Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete, Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete…
Can't believe this one is only a couple months away now. Take 20% with code Y2OZM7-MJ3VHD-0AVTI1 at GreenManGaming.
If you haven't picked up Battlefield 4 yet, Best Buy will sell you a PC copy for a record low price of $25, today…
If you haven't gone back in time to the neon and Michael Biehn-infused world of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, then do so…
In addition to great holdover deals from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we've also got a new Humble Bundle featuring …
SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works is an upcoming book by Darren Wall that looks like one of the best pieces…
If I could go back in time and tell 1990s Jason that one day, he'll be able to play Sonic the Hedgehog on a portable…
Come and get it if you want it, these games are all real cheap like I promised, I know that you don't care to pay…
A new Star Trek game hit the shelves this week, and only a few days remain until the premier of the 12th movie. As…