Soften the blow of missing out on Destiny's Limited and Ghost Editions, and not playing on launch day by getting…
2D Heroes is a sandbox survival MMORPG with a focus on player interaction.
Soften the blow of missing out on Destiny's Limited and Ghost Editions, and not playing on launch day by getting…
I’m no nostalgist when it comes to gaming. I believe that what we’re playing now, and what we will be tomorrow,…
Tiger & Bunny: The Rising is the newest film in the Tiger & Bunny series, which features a world where superheroes…
This past fall, before writing my guide on the five fall 2013 anime you should be watching, I marathoned 6 episodes…
It's the most wonderful time of the year. The time when I get to produce a list of ten games I love, and then…
Well, if you wanna get technical, it's not really space Minecraft. It's more of a sci-fi sandbox RPG thing. But it's…
There are physical games, and then there are physical games. In addition to a long list of current-gen, next-gen,…
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Who dislikes FPSes? TheUnfathomableTruth does and the explanation—a response to DocSeuss' Why I Can't Stand 2D Games—is right here. JJthe Texan takes a hard look at the Wii U, calling it an unwanted console. Harsh, dude. The Mushroom Kingdom's… Read more
On day one of Sony's console launch, there are 24 games you can pick up to play on it. We've either reviewed or…
Eight years. Eight long years of video games, from the Xbox 360's 2005 release to today, the dawn of the next…