The Collector's Edition of Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 Remix is a Square-Enix Store exclusive and costs $100, but yeah…
18: Dream World is a mobile puzzle RPG from Japan, designed by Tetsuya Mizuguchi.
The Collector's Edition of Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 Remix is a Square-Enix Store exclusive and costs $100, but yeah…
Recently game studio Red Thread ran a competition to include fan-made music in revered adventure revival Dreamfall…
In addition to all the new Xbox One bundles we rattled off yesterday, the limited edition Advanced Warfare Xbox One…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
We're bringing you the deals early today to get out of the way of Microsoft's presser, and even more scheduling info…
Watch Dogs is finally coming out on the 27th. Don't miss your chance to save by pre-ordering, not to mention the…
You probably didn't have to watch the recent Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare reveal to know whether you'd be picking…
Last week I asked your help in deciding which of the three possible romantic foils in Japanese dating sim New Love…
Facebook has just announced that it's buying Oculus Rift for $2 billion. Seriously.