101 Dalmatians: Escape from DeVil Manor

101 Dalmatians: Escape from DeVil Manor

DreamForge Intertainment
May 22, 1997
Puzzle, Strategy, Adventure
DreamForge Intertainment
Release Date
May 22, 1997 (27 years and 10 months ago)
Disney Interactive
Content Rating
E Comic Mischief
Disney's 101 Dalmatians

101 Dalmatians: Escape from DeVil Manor Screenshots and Videos

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You're one of the Dalmatian puppies being held prisoner by Cruella De Vil in her creepy old mansion The other puppies are depending on you to set them free. But before you can get them out, you have to get yourself out. That means sneaking through each room. Checking out each floor. Exploring every corner. There's gotta be an escape route somewhere. And as Patches, you have to find it. Cruella's two henchmen, Horace and Jasper, are on your tail. So you better get moving. Because if they catch you, they'll lock you up. And if that happens, you can kiss your spots goodbye!

Puzzle, Strategy, Adventure
PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac
DreamForge Intertainment
Release Date
May 22, 1997 (27 years and 10 months ago)
Disney Interactive
Content Rating
E Comic Mischief
Disney's 101 Dalmatians

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