Gundam is a bit like a Japanese version of Star Trek: It's an epic sci-fi fantasy series with multiple spin-offs and…
Gundam is a bit like a Japanese version of Star Trek: It's an epic sci-fi fantasy series with multiple spin-offs and…
Let's just get this out of the way: Yes, Quantum Conundrum is a first-person puzzler, just like Portal. Yes, it was…
The other day on Twitter, fellow Kotaku writer Kate Cox mentioned she had just finished Xenogears, Square's classic…
Joy is a terribly underrated commodity in video games. Most of the games I play inspire all kinds of…
PAX East 2012 is no more. Legions of gamers have returned to their nests. Boston is finally at peace.
You know, if Sega had simply marketed Binary Domain with the slogan, "Shoot some robots", I probably wouldn't have…
In the next major Transformers video game, you will be able to issue orders to a massive, rampaging Metroplex.
They say that in life, nothing is certain but death and taxes. The cost of living in the real world seems to get…
This year has been good to gaming. Hold on, let me restate that. This year has been amazing to gaming.
It's a good time to be a Doctor Who fan. Along with the recently announced PlayStation-exclusive Doctor Who: The…