Final Fantasy XIV offers a variety of content and depth that few games can match. While this is a huge boon for the MMO’s longtime players, new players who have just started their account with the Starter Edition or Free Trial (we recommend the Free Trial for first-timers) may have trouble sifting through the firehose of information coming at them. Yes, Final Fantasy XIV has a ton of content and sometimes the best way to get started is to just jump in and see where it leads you. But if you want a better path that nets you more EXP gains and will help you avoid getting lost, we’ve got you covered. Here are 10 tips to help turn that firehose into a refreshing drink.
Read More: Final Fantasy XIV: Should You Buy The Starter Edition Or Play The Free Trial?
So let’s kick things off by starting with character creation and walking you through your first adventures in Eorzea.