Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Square Enix’s latest entry in the ongoing FF7 remake project, contains recreations of several classic moments from the original, such as the parade honoring President Rufus Shinra’s newly acquired title. During this sequence, you’ll be asked to round up a few stray soldiers for the event, arrange them, and then march in formation as you put on a performance.
In total, you’ll need to find 10 groups of Seventh Infantry soldiers. Some are rather easy to find, while a few others are tucked away. If you spot a group of soldiers with red armbands, there’ll be a single trooper to talk to who’ll signal the rest to join you once you’re done chatting. Doing well in this segment will improve your relationships with Tifa and Aerith, as well as put you on your way to getting 100% completion in Rebirth.
How to find all the Seventh Infantry troops in Junon
You are free to acquire the troops in any order and can move onto the next sequence after collecting only five, but you won’t do as well in the parade as if you have all 10. Also, you’ll need to arrange the troops for the parade, which we’ll cover below.