Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake may have beautiful, updated graphics, but the soul of this adventure is as old-school as ever. As one of the first tasks of your adventure, you’ll need to make your way over to Patty’s Party Planning Place to recruit three companions. Whether you choose to take along the premade characters or create your own allies, you’ll see that each character can assume one of eight classes. With no frame of reference for how each class performs, how on earth are you supposed to choose?
Fortunately, you should know that your choices here aren’t necessarily permanent. Dragon Quest III will eventually let you change each of your companions’ classes later on in your adventure, so your goal here is to pick the classes that will help you early on the most. In some cases, this may mean taking classes that start strong out the gate. In other cases, you may want to prioritize classes that learn valuable utility skills that the character’s second class can inherit down the line. Either way, you have some flexibility with your picks here.
To help you decide which classes will serve you best in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, we’ve assembled a tier list that ranks their early game benefits from best to worst. Note that Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake does feature new mechanics and class changes that change how jobs perform relative to previous versions of the game, so longtime fans can’t necessarily rely on their preexisting knowledge of the game. Also, please note that this is strictly a tier list of which classes to start with, not each class’s overall performance throughout the game. Some picks function much better when used as mid-game class changes, and one of the best classes in the game isn’t even available at the start!