It’s time, once again, for The Wanderer to suit up and go dungeon crawling. This time, in the new Vessel of Hatred expansion for Diablo IV, you’re in pursuit of poor, tormented Neyrelle in the Hate-ridden lands of Nahantu. Much as I’d like to tell you that there’s a nice handy little pamphlet titled, “So, You Just Sent An Innocent One-Armed Girl Into The Heart Of A Jungle Full Of Demons,” I’m sorry to say it’s just not the case.
If it makes you feel better, Neyrelle never got the “So, You Decided To Carry An Archdemon’s Crystal Prison Into A Jungle Full Of Demons” pamphlet either, so imagine the day she’s having. But, y’know, you’re The Wanderer, you got this, mostly—just mow down anything in your way that isn’t trying to give you a sidequest. Regardless, we have a few solid tips to set you up for success on this bloody little jungle cruise.