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How Much Money Have You Spent On Your PS4?

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You're already out 400 bucks for Sony's newest gaming console, but you've likely purchased a few other accessories and games to go along with it. So in the roughly one year since it's launched, what's that number add up to for you?

Following our format for how much money you pumped into your Xbox One, let's remember all the potential intricacies of owning a PS4: the headsets and accessories, the premium subscriptions, the potential complete living room rearrangements...


So, what's your personal count? Share your list below, like this:

$Add Up Your Total Cost Here

PS4 ($400)

One-Year PlayStation Plus Membership ($50)

Infamous: Second Son ($60)

Transistor ($20)

Two extra controllers ($120)

Let's see what you got! And feel free to add any necessary context to your list, should you feel it needs it.


The last post of our inquisition comes tomorrow, for the Wii U. Prepare to crunch your numbers!

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To contact the author of this post, write to or find her on Twitter at @tinaamini.