Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 completed its beta testing on September 26, and, despite a few hiccups, Kick-Ass actress Chloë Grace Moretz (and, presumably, other people) want to know what to play while waiting for the full game’s release on October 28.
I’ve always associated Call of Duty games with older brothers and boys in my neighborhood that wear checkerboard Vans. Because I’m only an older sister and prefer wearing Swedish Hasbeens, I’ve relegated myself to playing Ratchet & Clank games until the end of time.
But when Chloë Grace Moretz asks for games to fill the military-industrial-complex-shaped hole in her hobby time, I must spring into action. I teamed up with Kotaku staff writer Levi Winslow to deliver you a list of shooting-heavy games— mostly first and third-person shooters—to help fill your next month. We’d also love to see you leave some of your own recommendations in the comments. No pressure in disclosing your status as a Vans owner.