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How To Get Rich Quick In Civilization 7

How To Get Rich Quick In Civilization 7

Gain the Midas touch and gather as much gold as possible

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An overhead view of a Roman city with a Colosseum in Civilization VII.
Screenshot: Firaxis Games

As in life, money makes most aspects of Civilization VII more manageable. Sure, you could wait a few turns for a building to finish construction or for a unit to enter the fray, but you could toss some gold at the problem. However, acquiring gold in Civilization VII poses unique challenges, and if you promise to share the spoils, we’ll teach you how to build your coffers!

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Choosing the right Leaders and Civilizations

Choosing the right Leaders and Civilizations

The leader select screen for Xerxes in Civilization VII.
Screenshot: Firaxis Games / Kotaku

The earliest decision you’ll make, before you ever see the world map, is choosing a Leader and Civilization. If your end goal is an Economic Victory, opting for a gold-oriented empire is the only way to go. In this case, consider:


  • Amina
  • Xerxes
  • Machiavelli


  • Aksum
  • Persia
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Focus on the means of production

Focus on the means of production

The loading screen for Augustus in Civilization VII, showcasing production boons.
Screenshot: Firaxis Games / Kotaku

While you’ll discover gold deposits around the map that, once exploited, provide a base income each turn you hold the territory, it’s never enough. You’ll desire more, and for that increasing production within your Cities proves vital. There are numerous buildings in the game, like the early-game Basilica (Augustus) and the Rail Station later on that provide gold buffs, granting you additional money each turn. The Rail Station, in particular, offers a base +8 Gold per Turn upon completion.


Some buildings to focus on include:

  • Basilica
  • Bazaar
  • Inn
  • Rail Station
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Establish trade routes

Establish trade routes

A pop-up notification in Civilization VII for the Silk Roads Legacy Path.
Screenshot: Firaxis Games / Kotaku

Trade is the lifeblood of most empires, from antiquity to modern day, and establishing a network early on will provide significant dividends. You’ll receive your first Merchant during the Antiquity Age, allowing you to dispatch them to neighboring Cities, with which you may then produce a trade route. To continue expanding your trade network, you can also recruit Merchants, though it’s costly and requires a few turns to complete production.


In any case, a trade route with another settlement unlocks their resources for your empire. If you don’t have access to, say, Horses, which rather unsurprisingly you require to produce cavalry units, then you’ll want to establish a trade line with a neighboring empire that does offer the nags. But it’s give and take, and you’ll also be providing the other party with resources, thereby making your neighbors stronger and richer.

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Choosing Social Policies

Choosing Social Policies

The Social Policies and Government screen in Civilization VII.
Screenshot: Firaxis Games / Kotaku

As your empire grows, you’ll inevitably unlock more and better Social Policy cards that—once slotted into your government—allow you to boost your income, production, and even happiness by +1 or more across the board.


In this case, we want to opt for anything that boosts gold production, such as:

  • Living Standards
  • Coinage
  • Communal Values
  • Fireside Chats
  • Priesthood
  • Trade Winds

No matter which type of Victory Condition you seek, Gold makes progressing in Civilization VII easier, more straightforward, and unlocks various paths through military might or diplomacy. You can play Civilization VII now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

