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Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Best Builds: The XM4

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Best Builds: The XM4

This early-game assault rifle can be tweaked into a game-ending beast

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Woods offering the player character an XM4 on Training Course.
Screenshot: Activision / Kotaku

As it’s unlocked from the get-go, one of the first assault rifles you’ll likely play around with is the XM4, and it may—initially—feel like a lackluster weapon. It’s a hand-me-down from a bygone era, like the AK-74, but one that offers enough customization and versatility to make it viable on any battlefield. It also proves itself as one of the more capable weapons for new players to grasp in Black Ops 6.


With the right attachments, perks, and Wildcard, the XM4 dominates any game mode with ease, with a relatively low TTK (time to kill), manageable recoil, and, as mentioned, versatility in its available attachments to satisfy any play style.

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Best overall XM4 loadout for Black Ops 6 multiplayer

Best overall XM4 loadout for Black Ops 6 multiplayer

Woods custom XM4 in Black Ops 6
Screenshot: Activision / Kotaku

Despite being the stock weapon the game provides you with upon launching into multiplayer, the XM4 offers endless possibilities. It’s highly customizable, potent, and accurate, making it the ideal starter assault rifle for new players. But most importantly, even long-time veteran players will find it a viable weapon in competitive scenes, too.


With the right attachments, the XM4 will help you dominate any game mode, but it excels in larger maps with spacious shooting lanes. After all, this is an assault rifle and not a submachine gun or shotgun, so while it can handle an enemy in close quarters with some luck, you’ll find it most effective at range.

To improve the viability of the XM4, opt for these attachments:

  • Muzzle: Compensator
  • Barrel: CHF Barrel
  • Rear Grip: Ergonomic Grip
  • Underbarrel: Vertical Foregrip
  • Fire Mods: Recoil Springs

With the Gunfighter perk active, add the following attachments to your XM4 for a more well-rounded, potent weapon:

  • Optic: Accu-Spot Reflex
  • Magazine: Extended Mag I
  • Stock: Combat Stock
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Best early game XM4 loadout for Black Ops 6

Best early game XM4 loadout for Black Ops 6

An early game build of the XM4 in Black Ops 6
Screenshot: Activision / Kotaku

As you work on leveling up your XM4, you won’t have many valuable attachments immediately. But it doesn’t take long to unlock the Suppressor, Vertical Foregrip, and Extended Mag I—three critical components to our early-game XM4 build in Black Ops 6.

  • Muzzle: Suppressor
  • Magazine: Extended Mag I
  • Rear Grip: Quickdraw Grip
  • Fire Mods: 5.56 NATO FMJ
  • Underbarrel: Vertical Foregrip

As the XM4 excels at mid and long-range encounters, moving quickly, putting enough lead downrange, and keeping off your enemy’s radar prove invaluable. The Suppressor takes care of the latter, while the extended magazine and rear grip keep you quick on your toes and in the fight longer. Other than that, the goal is to reduce weapon sway and horizontal recoil as much as possible.

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Best Perks, Wildcard, and Equipment for the XM4

Best Perks, Wildcard, and Equipment for the XM4

The selected perks for the XM4 loadout.
Screenshot: Activision / Kotaku

For this XM4 build, we want to take the following Perks, Wildcard, and Equipment:

  • Perk 1: Gung-Ho (Increases Sprint and Tactical Sprint while reloading or utilizing Equipment)
  • Perk 2: Dexterity (Reduces overall weapon sway while jumping, diving, or diving)
  • Perk 3: Double Time (Doubles the overall duration of Tactical Sprint)
  • Specialty: Enforcer (Killing enemies grants a temporary speed buff and increases health regen rate)
  • Wildcard: Gunfighter
  • Lethal Equipment: Frag Grenade
  • Tactical Equipment: Stim Shot
  • Field Upgrade: Assault Pack

As mentioned previously, opting for the Gunfighter Wildcard will allow you to utilize three additional weapon attachment slots.

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Using the XM4 effectively in Black Ops 6 multiplayer

Using the XM4 effectively in Black Ops 6 multiplayer

A weapon inspection animation in Black Ops 6 for the XM4.
Screenshot: Activision / Kotaku

As you rank up in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, you’ll have plenty of time to learn the ins and outs of the XM4. But a few starting tips never hurt:

  • With a high bullet velocity and overall low recoil, made infinitely more manageable by our chosen attachments, the XM4 is a powerhouse at mid and long-range encounters. As such, attempt to keep some distance between you and your opponent.
  • With the XM4, aim for upper center mass around the heart, and allow the vertical recoil to gently bring your aim upward to score multiple headshots in quick succession.
  • If you’re comfortable doing so, sometimes walking around in ADS with XM4 at the ready and quickly snap-shooting enemies as they line up with your sights is more beneficial.
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Recommended XM4 alternatives

Recommended XM4 alternatives

Racking the bolt on an AK-74 in Black Ops 6
Screenshot: Activision / Kotaku

If, for whatever reason, you simply cannot get behind the XM4, there are a few worthwhile alternatives:

  • AK-74
  • AS VAL
  • Model L
  • AEK-973

Sometimes, you can’t help yourself. You want a rifle that’s more accurate, more compact, or perhaps slings lead at a significantly higher rate of fire than what the XM4 offers. In the case of the latter, we recommend the AS VAL for a high rate of fire and low TTK.


You’ll want to grow comfortable with the XM4 as you use it frequently during the campaign. Thankfully, the single-player mode now features perks to help balance out any disadvantages you may encounter.

