Despite having been the industry’s driving force of graphical fidelity and use of technology since the early 90s, the first-person shooter is paradoxically one of the most timeless genres. 30-year-old classics remain just as playable as the most cutting edge contemporary releases. Which is all to say, you can have as much fun playing 1995’s Dark Forces as 2021’s Halo Infinite.
We’ve compiled together what we consider to be the very best FPS games you can play in 2023. That means we’re picking games that you can pick up and play right now, with the minimum amount of effort, on modern consoles and PCs. No need to figure out how to plug a SCART cable into your new TV, or run a virtual machine to edit your autoexec.bat and config.sys!
This also explains some notable absentees. No One Lives Forever remains in miserable licensing hell, and is unavailable to buy anywhere. At the time of writing, the long-promised GoldenEye 007 remake has yet to appear, and so remains relegated to N64s and questionable ports. Oh, and that one game you were expecting? We left it off the list too, because we like that vein on your forehead.
So click on, and bathe in the glow of a thousand reticules, in no particular order.