A great science fiction movie might scare you. It might inspire you. It might speculate about the nature of the human race, and what lies beyond our limited knowledge of the universe around us. It might propose an alternate past or a potential future. It might introduce you to an extraterrestrial or a brand-new scientific concept. Good sci-fi lingers with you long after the credits roll, prompting you to spend hours running theories past your friends, or researching possibilities because you’re just that curious.
In order to collate the best science fiction movies, we had to narrow our view to even make this possible: the best in the last 50 years, which means any movie that came out since 1974. Yes, that means you won’t see Forbidden Planet or Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Metropolis on this list. But you will see classics like Alien, Terminator, and The Thing, and newer sci-fi sensations like Ex Machina and Blade Runner: 2049.
We got almost the entire Kotaku staff involved in this one, so click through to see our list of the 50 best science fiction movies of the last 50 years, in alphabetical order.