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Where To Find Avowed's Best Sets Of Armor For Every Class

Where To Find Avowed's Best Sets Of Armor For Every Class

These armor sets are almost certain to give you the stat boost you need for your build

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Standing in Shatterscarp, surrounded by beige rocks.
Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Kotaku

Armor is a vital part of both your defensive and offensive capabilities in Avowed, providing powerful passive boons that help you stay in the fight against your foes. The best armor for you depends entirely on your build, so we’ve compiled a list of what we consider the best choices for the average player of each class. Take a look.

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Best armor for Fighters: Eothasian Breastplate

Best armor for Fighters: Eothasian Breastplate

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Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Kotaku

Eothasian Breastplate is the best overall choice for most Fighters in Avowed. It sports the following enchantments:

  • Dawn’s Reflection - Gives you +3 percent damage reduction and an additional +3 damage reduction during the day.
  • Mended Scars - Increases health restoration by 20 percent from all sources.

Dying sucks. Living is awesome. That’s why Fighters in Avowed tend to aim for durable armor that can help them take some hits. With the Eothasian Breastplate, you can take more damage and heal more from every source, making it an incredible armor choice—especially if you’re aiming for a tanky build.


Where to find it

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Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Kotaku

Head directly to the middle of the words “Infested Camp” on the top left of the Emerald Stair map. You’ll find a large doorway that can be opened by solving a fairly easy two-part generator puzzle. Through there and up the hill is a cave—head in, and then take on the boss fight. That done, you’ll see another generator to zap, which opens up yet another door, and inside is a chest containing the armor!

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Best armor for Rangers: Gambeson of the Grand Empire

Best armor for Rangers: Gambeson of the Grand Empire

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Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Kotaku

Gambeson of the Grand Empire is the best overall choice for Rangers—particularly those using firearms. It brings with it the following enchantments:

Steel-Threaded - Gives you +3 percent damage reduction.

Greater Gunnery - Your guns receive +15 percent reload speed.

Firearms in Avowed are single-shot weapons, meaning you’ll be doing a whole hell of a lot of reloading in between lining up those sweet headshots. Gambeson of the Grand Empire helps this along a bit with a much-appreciated 15 percent increase to your reload speed. It also offers decent protection, though your goal in battle as a Ranger should still remain not getting hit.


Where to find it

Image for article titled Where To Find Avowed's Best Sets Of Armor For Every Class
Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Kotaku

Complete the side-quest “Escape Plan” by helping Leoflaed and Glaedwine escape from the shanty town outside Paradis. There’s a whole bunch of stuff you need to find for them, and then after, choose to help them be smuggled out of town (don’t, whatever you do, report them if you want the armor!). Later in the game, you’ll find the pair safely living just in the entrance of Shatterscarp’s Thirdborn, to your left as you enter the town. They’ll give you the armor as a thank you.

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Best armor for Wizards: Robes of Surpassing Brilliance

Best armor for Wizards: Robes of Surpassing Brilliance

Image for article titled Where To Find Avowed's Best Sets Of Armor For Every Class
Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Kotaku

Robes of Surpassing Brilliance is the best overall choice for Wizards in Avowed. It comes with the following enchantments:

  • Overseeing - Grants 15 percent area of effect (AOE) damage to your spells.
  • Innate Talent - Provides you with +40 maximum Essence.

The most powerful Wizard spells you’ll be casting in Avowed are AOE attacks, which hit multiple enemies at a time. With the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance, you’ll have an additional 15 percent damage applied to each of those spells, which adds up quickly in battles against hordes of baddies. On top of this, you also get an extra 40 Essence to keep you slinging spells longer between potions.


Where to find it

Image for article titled Where To Find Avowed's Best Sets Of Armor For Every Class
Screenshot: Obsidian Entertainment / Kotaku

In Shattersharp, a little bit south of the words “Ancient Lakebed” on your map, there’s a pool of water surrounded by Dreamscourge. Just above the pool, nestled into the cliff, is a small cave. It’s easier to drop in from above. In there you’ll find a chest containing the robes.

These are just some good ideas for each class. But if you find some armor you like better than those listed above, feel free to swap to them! There’s no right or wrong answer in Avowed, as it’s all about building the character you want to play. Have fun in the Living Lands!

