Levi Winslow's discussions

Levi Winslow
staff writer, kotaku. they/them. beats: esports, creator culture + internet discourse, preservation + sustainability, news. send me tea and tips 🖤

yaaas, dynasty warriors gundam 3 absolutely whipped ! Read more

very that ! some great memories behind these games and i hope posts like this - more personal blogs centered around specific memories - helps you, myself, and other readers unlock the long-dormant feelings and moments in our lives Read more

couldn’t agree more. like you said i think this isn’t a genre where you have to play every single release in maybe the same way that soulslikes help inform your understanding of the genre by playing a plethora of other soulslikes. nah get one musou game that resonates with you and it’ll provide countless hours of Read more

tysm for reading faux bravo ! that last sentence - “it’s just really satisfying to smash a lot of guys into oblivion” - is exactly why i love the musou games. yeah they’re repetitive. yeah they’re virtually unchanged since their introduction some 20 years ago, but there really isn’t anything like it in gaming that Read more

imma agree with martyvendetta27 here: both dishwasher games are dope ! tbh ska studios doesn’t miss when it comes to its game releases and while the dishwasher might feel like xbox 360 arcade games, they still solid beat ‘em ups Read more

same, i like black desert online but ugh...that game has such a convoluted ui imo. gameplay is solid but parsing through all that nonsense is difficult to do Read more

omg literally all of this ! i’m tearing up rn, thinking about friends who lived down the street from me or colleague buddies who were across the hall...staying up all night playing smash or skyrim or whatever till whenever. such good times that are lost to adulthood and separation. bums me out a lot Read more

your last graf here is exactly my whole point with this blog. i think, with our ever-online gaming, we’ve lost the intimacy of gaming with another person. i miss that. there’s something really special about experiencing a game with someone: whether that’s simply watching someone play a game in the same room as you Read more

the best kinda dumb fun. like just cause if it didn’t take itself so seriously (i mean, just cause knows it isn’t that much of a serious videogame but if it leaned even more into that, i feel like killer bean would be the logical conclusion) Read more

hard for me to determine who to respond to so i’ll just drop this here at the top of the comments section. i totally understand y’all’s sentiments. kotaku has changed a lot in the twoish years i’ve been here. every iteration is different because new writers come in while old writers leave. that’s normal. what i will Read more

yeah, unfortunately kotaku goes pretty quiet over the weekend these days :( Read more

so i’ve been playing quite a bit of it. i think it’s good mechanically and the absurd narrative pairs really well with bonkers premise but i couldn’t bring myself to write about it for one reason: i’m exhausted with needless live-service elements. idk, i feel like exoprimal would be a much better game if, like i was le Read more

ok you’re the second person to recc this film sooooo i guess i gotta watch it :) Read more