Levi Winslow's discussions

Levi Winslow
staff writer, kotaku. they/them. beats: esports, creator culture + internet discourse, preservation + sustainability, news. send me tea and tips đź–¤

you could say skatebird is all about the birdman himself ;) Read more

frfr. it’s such a tired meme but folks need to get offline and go touch some grass Read more

that’s what i’m saying. boy makes a lotta money so he should treat himself, just like donna and tom said on parks and rec. but don’t get it twisted: it’s a shitty car. that’s what people should be mad at. not that he’s a socialist and spent hella money on a beautiful porsche, but that he bought a shitty-ass car lmao Read more

right??? i was getting my ass BEAT in the early hours of the game so honestly, if you’re even thinking about dropping the difficulty, just do it. you won’t regret it, the experience points aren’t any different, and you can always change the difficulty after you’ve gotten used to combat and stuff. that’s what i did… Read more

my heart breaks everytime titanfall is mentioned in a sentence that doesn’t end with “is getting a third game” Read more

these mark the true merits of a critic: noticing that the walking animations are altered ever-so-slightly to where the character has a minute gait. that’s real criticism. paying attention to writing and gameplay are for simpletons but you will be forgiven for recognizing the error of your ways Read more

right? like why don’t folks say this about films and music and shit? there’s literally so much reuse in entertainment but it really only seems to be gamers who actually care. horizon f0rbidden west is probably just as long - if not longer - than zero dawn and that should suffice enough. not whether or not every single… Read more

and the animations ain’t broke so... :shrug: Read more

literally ! if it ain’t broke why fix it? taking that a step further if it saves you time why not use it? these are real people working hard to make videogames. it shouldn’t matter if a sequel has the same animations. it’s meant to Read more

i really don’t know if it matters whether this nft or that nft is “worth millions” when cryptobros willingly pay that much for them. so my answer is who cares. they aren’t actually worth a damn thing when you really think about it anyway Read more

lol you ain’t wrong, reddit is home to a certain kind of Gamer™ so i wouldn’t be too surprised if videogames were their only hobby Read more

yall aren’t the only folks to connect this to no more heroes so as someone who’s never played an entry in the franchise should i give it a shot? Read more

tbh my thinking exactly. i almost don’t care if it’s broken or buggy or whatever. as long as it’s somewhat playable and wacky af i’ll be more than satisfied lol Read more

me too. some of the shit in that subreddit is truly egregious and borders psychopathic. idk maybe pathetic is the better word there? you tell me Read more

lmao ain’t it? i was thinking to myself that it’s an unnecessary mouthful Read more

THANK YOU ! like my god, it’s just a damn videogame. i understand that it’s broken, we’ve written tons of reports about a lot of that. just look at the link overload in the last graf or just about anything battlefield 2042 related on kotaku dot com and folks will recognize that we’re aware of how broken it is. but a)… Read more

yo i know you see it