Yes, please let us know when other historians play video games. I’d love to hear what they think! Until then, I’ll be over here doing my best.
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A note about the child labor missions. The flavor text for these missions sometime alludes to over working these children, such as “neighbors frequently hear the factory running late into the night” suggesting that the children are being overworked. I think one mentioned the children being locked inside the factory… Read more
I don’t know... I mean, I was a bit disappointed by how Spore turned out too, but I do feel fundamentally influenced, if not actually changed, by the final space stage. There was something visceral about guiding the imagined alien species across a representation of our actual galaxy and finding Sol, and earth. To me,… Read more
I remember reading that SimCity came about when Will Wright was working on a helicopter game and found that he had more fun playing with the terrain generator than the game. Read more
I have really fond memories of Spore. I honestly still think it’s a pretty awesome game, and I actually grew really attached to and became rather proud of my creations. Read more
I’ve been an AC fan since day 1. I have to say, I’ve been afraid of every release since ACIII, but this one didn’t disappoint me. I know it’ll never be II (Ezio set those standards way to high to be reachable anymore, I think) but it’s still the one who reminds me of it the most. That brother/sister relationship is… Read more
Some days you just can’t get rid of a body.
Those policemen are very dedicated to their jobs. If I got shot in the gut, punched a few times, and then stabbed in the face, I think I’d call it a day. But those men just keep fighting.
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I may get this game for the score alone. Read more
“Oh bother! You seem to be having a bit of an altercation with my fellow Constable! I shall wait here politely until you have finished, but rest assured I shall give you a solid cosh myself if you best him!” Read more
Why aren’t critics supposed to complain about loading screens exactly? It’s a rather important characteristic that can turn an otherwise fun game into a boring slog. By all means, do talk about loading screens! Loudly! I want to know!
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I thought AC was Totilo’s beat? I had gotten used to the way he described the consistent disappointment of each successive game while waxing poetic about why he couldn’t quit the series. It seems ... staggeringly unfair that he didn’t do the write up for the first game which apparently doesn’t suck almighty balls in… Read more
The problem is not that Prison Architect looks too much like America. The problem is that America looks too much like Prison Architect. Read more
I can sympathize with this because I have 2 xboxes for some couch co-op (with, yes, 2 xbox live accounts and 2 copies of the game), but often I have to play my second copy for hours just to unlock the multiplayer or get the save game to a point where the 2 accounts can play with each other... while the friend I… Read more